JEAN JACQUES : Expert Naturalist Guide
Of academic and expert naturalist, he has conducted several studies and accompanied several famous scientists in the field. He participated in the writing of several books on birds, cultural history, archeology, flora in general and particularly orchids. Active member for the protection of our environment, he also participates in the training of the futuregeneration. Despite the natural richness of his country, the tourist is to him a greater richness!
LYTAH : Ornithologist Guide
His motto: share and learn! Always listening he will adapt to optimize your trip to 200%. No place in Madagascar is unknown as he traveled all around the Island during his student years and his years alongside the WWF as a consultant. He is specialist in birds and mammals.
NATACHA : German Speaking Guide
Graduated of the German Department at the University of Antananarivo, she practices the German language fluently. As a responsiblefor EVANEOS customers, a German platform of exchange between travel agents and tourists, she also works as a freelance German-speaking guide with several agencies. Her wish is to promote sustainable tourism in Madagascar by sharing the hospitality and authenticity of its people with foreign tourists.
NDRIANA : Driver Guide
With a long experience in the field, accompany tourists, guide them, listen to them, counsel them, are his main motivations. Discover Madagascar with a ground expert!
HOBY : Logistician& Trekking Guide
Just graduated in Tourism study and passionate about hiking, he joined the Mozaicteam for love of the land. What more beautiful meetings by hiking off the beaten path requiring logistic and flawless organization, so this is his specialty!