- ANKARAFANTSIKA NP : Observation of the rare fish Eagle
- BEMANEVIKA Special Reserve: Observation of the Madagascar Pochard, Serpent Eagle and Red Owl
Feasibility : August to November
Best Season : September to November
With Ornithologist Guide
Prices :
1082 Euros per person
1233 USD per person
Based on 2 person
Without Ornithologist Guide
Prices :
867 Euros per person
988 USD per person
Based on 2 person
Departure to Ankarafantsika NP (7H drive). One the most beautiful birding site of Madagascar.
Free lunch in a local restaurant on the way.
Arrival and installation at the gite. Free dinner.
Possibility to go for a night walk at sunset in search of the Milne-Edwards’ sportive lemur, fat-tailed dwarf lemur, grey mouse lemur and golden-brown mouse lemur.
Night in Ankarafantsika
Breakfast at the gite and day visit of the dry forest of Ankarafantsika National Park.
The Ankarafantsika National Park consists in a dry deciduous forest and wet forest with a rare endemic wildlife. The park shelters several species of lemurs like the Coquerel’s sifaka, Mongoose lemur and western woolly lemur. The site is also popular for bird watching by the presence of unusual Van Dam’s vanga, Schlegel’s asity and Madagascar Fish Eagle (one of the seven most endangered raptors in the world).
Plan a picnic lunch.
In the afternoon possibility to go for a boat ride on the Ravelobe lake to have a good view on the Ankoay.
Return to the hotel and free dinner.
Night in Ankarafantsika
Breakfast at the gite and second visit in the park.
Return to the gite and free lunch. At 12H00 departure to Antsohihy (5H drive). Arrival and installation at the hotel, free dinner.
Night in Antsohihy
Early breakfast and departure to Bemanevika Special reserve (8H of bumpy road).
Picnic lunch on the way. Arrival and installation at the campsite.
Dinner and night in camping
After an early breakfast, we leave for Lake Matsaborimena, the last step of our adventure to observe the rare Madagascar pochard, we cross the landscape of large meadows and lakes.
The Madagascar pochard was rediscovered at Matsaborimena Lake in November 2006. This duck was known only in Lake Alaotra, and was observed for the last time in 1970, this specie was considered extinct until its monumental rediscovery by a researcher from Peregrine Fund, which studied the Madagascar Harrier, which breeds in the area.
The number of Madagascar pochard is estimated at 60 individuals, including those already included in the breeding program. BirdLife International and the Peregrine Fund works closely with local communities to conserve this species and the benefits of this visit are donated in this conservation program. From the platforms, and along the banks, we can all expect to get great views of this beautiful duck with white eyes.
Matsaborimena Lake is surrounded by virgin forest. We can observe waterfowl species and also forest birds like the red owl, Pollen vanga, Madagascar ibis, pygmy kingfisher, Madagascar Harrier, slender-billed flufftail, forest fody… and the rare Madagascar serpent eagle.
Concerning lemurs, we can observe the Grey Bamboo lemur and mouse lemur.
Picnic lunch in the reserve. Return to the campsite in the afternoon.
Dinner and night in camping
Breakfast and departure to Antsohihy (8H of bumpy road). Picnic lunch on the way.
Arrival and installation at hotel. Free dinner.
Night in Antsohihy
Breakfast and departure to Tana (9H drive).
Free lunch on the way. Arrival and transfer to the airport. End of services.
B : Breakfast
L : Lunch
D : Diner